Digital Art

A Natural World
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture. I felt this method helped strengthen the leaf’s veins/lines and contrasts.

Stratified Palm Tree
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture.

Rambling Creek Vignette
Post editing gave the oblong vignette fading to black.

1500's Dominican Building
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture.

Sleeping 'Lil Guy
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture.

Gone Fishing
Canvas photo print was delivered with the darkest value gone. I thought this mistake turned out to be an interesting take; it looked like an ink drawing combined with the photograph. Textures, bark, grass, and branches are a stand out!

Purple Triumph
A white vignette was added in post editing, putting the emphasis on the centered subject.

Family Time
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture. The family running up the beach became a diagonal line of summer action!

Swirls of Petals
Double ruffled petals on a Knock Out Rose. Digitally colorized.

Stand Out!
Knock Out Rose. Digitally shown in black and white.

The Loping Lone Wolf
Actual wolf photograph taken at Copley Zoo, Decatur, Il, was superimposed over a nighttime forest scene.

Macro Look
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture.

Pineapple Array
This photograph was made with the posterization technique which registers only the high, middle, and low values found in the picture.

Crisp Winter Blues

Canadians in a Blizzard
Color photograph was reversed to black and white to show texture and blinding snow action.

A Pair of Canadians
Blizzard snow action gave way to swirling water, textured feathers. Changing the color photograph to black and white made this look like a woodcut or drawing.

Against the Stream
Heavy snowfall showed up as straight lines in this converted black and white photograph.

Standing Shadow
The water is freezing cold during this winter’s blizzard storm, so the Canadian Goose is standing up! Converting the photograph to black and white gave the look of a drawing or woodcut print. It also left the various textures and movement stand out for importance.

Petal Magic

Dahlia Composition

Triumphant Lilies

Discovering the Leaf Underside

Fashionable Rose
Influenced by Georgia O’Keefe, this filled frame of shapely petals showed curves and textures.

Silver Reflection Still Life

Blue Shadows

Painterly Rose

Red Velvetness

Sketchy Rose Photo
Converted color photograph to black and white gave the image of a fine art sketch.

Selective Focus

Vignette with Shadow and Dots

Apricot Madness

The Life of Veins

Prairie Buds


Star Gazer

Silver Relection

Rose Posing

Bouquet and Shadow

Pet in 4 Colors

Rainbow Layered Sunset